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TruBodx Keto like shortbread it smells like c

TruBodx Keto  like shortbread it smells like coconut shortbread and it's it smells so sweet and so delicious like I know that I just wanna like put spoonfuls of it into my mouth I also plan on getting the almond flour from this brand as well just because it's good for baking these are a slightly higher carb because there is shouldn't like sugar added to it but when it comes to like a gluten-free technically keto baking flour this is probably one of the best that you can get and I got it smells amazing and still it's so good it makes everything you bake tastes amazing and along the lines of coconut I also have these just like ran it's just a random brand of unsweetened medium coconut flakes again this smells so   TruBodx Keto Reviews   good like you don't need to sweeten coconut flakes for it to taste amazing because coconut is naturally really fatty that's really important to make sure that it's unsweetened yes like so many of them are sweetened coco

new you keto a at a time so you really go slow

new you keto  a at a time so you really go slow pay attention to every little movement let your arms continue to relax the inside of your right thigh if you struggle with balance keep your gaze down towards the floor this is going to help you stabilize but once you feel stable in your legs you can strengthen your core by turning your gaze in towards your belly button this is going to help you round your spine more scooping your belly in more and then your hands can release behind you more to get an even deeper stretch in your shoulders so wherever you are just honor your process honor your body and know that there's always ways to take it a little deeper then slowly uncurl with control with mindfulness we want to be gentle with our bodies working carefully as we move release your clasp of your hands reach your arms up big breath in and exhale plant your hands back down on your mat nice work turn your left heel up towards the sky then lift your right leg up and back behind you again

new you keto last couple of years just

new you keto  last couple of years just because it works better with my diet in general it works better with my brain function I find that I'm a lot more aware and like lucid during the day if I haven't consumed a large breakfast so that's something that I already do however it fits really well with the keto diet according to like dr. Bergman like other keto expert's things like that so I wanted to show you guys my vegan keto staples the things that I consume on a regular basis to make sure that I have enough make omega-3 is enough vitamins and electrolytes enough nutrients I am  eating a completely clean and very healthy diet despite the fact that it is very high in fat and the reason I'm doing that is just because I don't want to fill my body with garbage I've no interest in eating bacon and cheese and eggs and all of that junk I call it John b  new you keto diet   ecause it's I don't think it's whatever you can have all the opinions you wan

slimphoria keto keto currently because we

slimphoria keto  keto currently because we have a lot of carbs in the house to get through but he's actually gonna be trying the keto diet with me as well again vegan and gluten-free because I have celiac disease so I'm not gonna like cook something we can't both eat so yeah it sounds very restrictive but just like give it a minute and I'll has like the Omega threes and the Omega 6s that you really want to get but for us like we can't eat salmon because obviously we don't eat meat so we don't have like other animal product versions that can get us the same nutrients so I really like having  these and all of these are pretty healthy the good thing is that for pretty much any carb that you get and Hennessy no or flax seeds it's gonna have you equivalent amount of fiber so it almost completely cancels itself out which is good to know the next thin  slimphoria keto diet   g is just premium cocoa powder I use this to bake like any cookie I make or granola

countdown keto about some secret which

countdown keto  about some secret which is his technology in the company and of course we know his technology is all created the king of clubs [Music] many people are asking we are so successful with Manama why shall we go for spirulina any plant they have the advantage they also have the limitation the limitation of Kodama said there's no chlorophyll then a guru no Massa don't have this many this amino acid but when you come to this a spirulina Spina is if it's a it's a complete a complimentary morena do not have nuclear acid you don't have many many content but all these contain I didn't get anima so we feel that if these two combine together we have a perfect match [Music] welcome to this Technical Center mini Technica center of the xn [Music] you see from the background we are showing you it has parina the cultivation of Spadina for this patrick is we will move into this a primary secondary and tertiary culture and from that one on later on we can we can mov

dxn code strike just to kind of last minute

dxn code strike  just to kind of last minute you know cover some blemishes I'm having an improved change apart after using that cream contour that is really really pretty so this is called the luminous cream bronzer stick again you get you get 9 grams of product in that stick which is a lot and it's $35 and I have it in a shaped latte which is sort of do anything and it is an absolute nightmare like I can't I've managed to clear the rest of my face but this thing won't go away I don't know Oh cute okay so this is the powder bronzer sample and it actually comes in a sifter that's so nice it comes with a little safety seal run it or a cleanliness seal that's so cute this is a very I believe matte bronzer which I do appreciate it we're gonna take my little eco tools fluffy guy here and just kind of touch it in there interesting okay so kind of behaves like a mineral powder it might be a mineral powder we'll see in a second in the way that it taps of